Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Chinese Character Test

Hi all,

Clavis Sinica has a website on which they sell Chinese reading and referencing software. The really cool thing is that they also have an applet that lets you take a Chinese Character Test.

There are multiple skill levels, and you can test in traditional or simplified. It's a cool way to pass the time doing something relevant, learn some new vocabulary, and just get a sense of what you do and don't know about characters. Have fun!

1 comment:

Bri Hodgkins said...

This is great! Just practicing this a little bit has solidified my knowledge of individual characters' meanings and strengthened my abiblity to recognize them.
Also, after doing that test for awhile I went searching for more. Here's a really simple one that I found.
The really cool thing about this is that you can choose to do 汉字to pinyin or English. The characters are fairly simple, but anything helps!